Wedding DJ iPad app

A DJ app so easy to use that grandma can rock your wedding.

WeddingDJ iPad app
A few screens detailing inferfaces in WeddingDJ iPad.
WeddingDJ iPad app user journeys
Mapping user journeys to quickly uncover complexity.
WeddingDJ iPad app sketching
Rough sketches to explore how the WeddingDJ iPhone interface translates to the iPad.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
Wireframing to futher explore layouts for building playlists and audio player controls.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
Wireframes used to debate options for advancing between playlists.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
Detailed wireframes after we settled on the macro-layout and interactions.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
Applying colour, album art, fonts, and other visual assets to detail visual design for the interface.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
Exploring visual transitions when advancing to the next playlist.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
A 2nd option for the transition when advancing to the next playlist.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
A 3rd option for the transition when advancing to the next playlist.
WeddingDJ iPad app wireframes
Detailing visual transitions between cues. This was 2013, now I’d do this work in Principle.
App preview video I made for the App Store.